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It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014

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It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 Empty It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014

Post by Paul Wed 14 Dec 2022, 8:45 pm

It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!!

PAGES 1 - 4

It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U614946_20160221_170410.png?0.160 It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 USA.gif?0.160
It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 Nation.png?0.160
6,415 Posts
Tue, Oct 21 2014 11:43 AM

  • March was the last time we did one of these.  Here's your chance to contribute to the next National WGT Enquirer!
    Acting on a tip from a Reformed (retired) and Verified forum troll our WGT National Enquirer insider planted a hidden camera in MisterWGT's office and caught a meeting last week with WGTdbloshoe, WGTIcon, and MisterWGT discussing the CC Clash feature.
    Post here, on this thread,  what you think the three of them in the photo below talked (or thought) about.
    The best entry will be featured on the cover of the next Enquirer and will receive a sleeve of balls graciously donated by Opyeuclid!  Thanks Opy!  (If you'd also like to sponsor this please post below.)

    The deadline for submissions is next Sunday October 26th at 11:59:59 PM Pacific Daylight Time.
    Entries will be judged by me on originality, relevancy, and humor.   Multiple entries are allowed. Campaigning is allowed.  The only thing not allowed really is changing the photo below.
    Decision of the judge is final mostly. And I reserve editorial right to modify your entry to fit the bubble, etc. Please check the Posting Guidelines before making your entry.  Keep it clean!!  ;o)
    Let's see 'em people!
    (Icon & Shoe, WGT employees are eligible to participate......)
    It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 ACaptionContest_zps49b120c1
    And don't let their facial expressions above drive your entries,  we have many to fit any occasion:
    Chad: So guys?  Any feedback from the community on the new Country Club Clash feature?
    WGTdbloshoe:  I gotta have that friggin' putter Chad!
    WGTIcon: Not fair shoe!  I'm the senior mod so I should get the putter!  Besides, you already got the Tiger Vision for your putter. Pfft not that it works, you seen him putt?

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U304032_20200216_070644.jpg?0.160It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 USA.gif?0.160
    It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 Nation.png?0.160
    6,666 Posts
    Tue, Oct 21 2014 1:08 PM
    Please remember folks that this is for Fun .

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U6753141_20160216_205226.png?0.160It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 USA.gif?0.160
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    3,554 Posts
    Tue, Oct 21 2014 1:35 PM
    Chad:  Now how did that putt go in?  Icon, you were off line by a good two feet.
    Shoe:  It's that golden putter we're giving away boss ... it has the built-in turbo intoxicator!  It just finds the hole no matter how far offline you are.
    Icon:  That's Encapulator, moron! Turbo Encapulator!

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U304032_20200216_070644.jpg?0.160It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 USA.gif?0.160
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    6,666 Posts
    Tue, Oct 21 2014 1:51 PM
    Shoe :  We got the feedback from the testers of the putter, OPY said he liked it very much .
    Icon  :  OPY has been a good Troll for a long time , Maybe we should do something nice and give him one .
    Chad  :  He will have to buy some passes and find a loophole in the next CC vs CC clash, But he is not the kind of player to cheat . So no golden putter for OPY .

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U6478506_20130319_192947.jpg?0.160
    2,840 Posts Tue, Oct 21 2014 2:02 PM
    Shoe - Did Peg just go out and buy a 4,000 dollar putter?!?!?!?!
    Chad - Nope.  Should of made the price 4 billion though.
    Icon - I do love redheads, but trolls with black hair really get me going.
    I will toss in a sleeve of balls to who ever Opy chooses.
    - WGTdbloshoe

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U168261_20131010_024453.jpg?0.160It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 USA.gif?0.160
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    3,379 Posts
    Tue, Oct 21 2014 2:13 PM
    shoe: Now who's idea was it to have a CC clash with a Golden Putter no less?
    icon: not mine! prolly the same guy who decided to have a live event in December w/ a weeks notice!
    chad: Hey! I told you 2 my son was learning to program, not a programmer! What did ya expect from a 15 yr old!!!

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U2408242_20221207_074626.jpg?0.160It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 USA.gif?0.160
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    3,670 Posts
    Tue, Oct 21 2014 2:15 PM
    Chad  - WOW someone bought that thing? Shoe......go smooth things out in the forums
      Shoe - I have prior plans with family - get Icon to do it
         Icon - seriously?  - guys! Do I have to play fmags? I hate the smell of vics!
           Alternate Icon - psst, hey boss - don't tell shoe but no more twitch tuesday for him

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U6929359_20220819_064933.jpg?0.160It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 USA.gif?0.160
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    3,362 Posts
    Tue, Oct 21 2014 2:47 PM

    It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 Icon-quotefatdan:

    shoe: Now who's idea was it to have a CC clash with a Golden Putter no less?
    icon: not mine! prolly the same guy who decided to have a live event in December w/ a weeks notice!
    chad: Hey! I told you 2 my son was learning to program, not a programmer! What did ya expect from a 15 yr old!!!

    hahahahahahahaha LMAO

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U660625_20221101_114457.jpg?0.160It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 USA.gif?0.160
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    5,878 Posts
    Tue, Oct 21 2014 2:53 PM
    It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 ACaptionContest_zps49b120c1
    Chad: Man! Did we screw this one up.
    Shoe: uhh,,like I didn't tell you the Clash was going to be a disaster.
    icon: Chad. I had nothing to do with the Clash.. Sorry Shoe, I need this job.

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U6929359_20220819_064933.jpg?0.160It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 USA.gif?0.160
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    3,362 Posts
    Tue, Oct 21 2014 2:56 PM

It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U2659490_20180302_121257.jpg?0.160 It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 GBR.gif?0.160
It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 Nation.png?0.160
4,451 Posts
Tue, Oct 21 2014 3:38 PM

  • Shoe: Boss, what happened to our free drinks in the Cat Club?
    Chad: They were there for you in Bimbo's
    Icon:  You said a free drink in the Cat Club for every 5k passes sold in the clash.
    Chad:  But I didn't say they wouldn't be in Bimbo's, think outside the box guys.
    Shoe: How many speech bubbles do you think we have boss?

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U2092648_20160826_152136.jpg?0.160It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 DNK.gif?0.160
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    3,522 Posts
    Tue, Oct 21 2014 4:16 PM
    It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 Captiontext_zps8d16af66

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U614946_20160221_170410.png?0.160It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 USA.gif?0.160
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    6,415 Posts
    Tue, Oct 21 2014 5:46 PM

    It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 Icon-quoteWGTdbloshoe:

    I will toss in a sleeve of balls to who ever Opy chooses.
    - WGTdbloshoe

    Thank you Shoe!  Prolly gonna be me & Opy choosing and many times more than one entry is used.  Your contribution is most welcome!

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U1717438_20201030_155147.jpg?0.160It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 AUS.gif?0.160
    10,563 Posts
    Tue, Oct 21 2014 6:53 PM
    Chad - Been in Bermuda for a break, more hot air than in the forums, so whats up and how did my cunning plan with the CC Clashes go and how many $$$$$ did I make?
    DB - Chad, the peasants have been revolting - they found loopholes and said it was a con and we did not know what to say - never seen anything like this before......and Icon has given away a golden putter to the someone of ill repute
    ICON - Whoaaaaaa one dang minute DB - I am not of ill repute I will have you know...I know nothing of CE's - as for the clashes, just like cheating threads....they will forget pretty quickly....and don't tell anyone - the putter really is the Tour Starter Putter with revamped graphics...and a large price tag....
    They all laugh and Chad goes back to surveying the bank balance.................................

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U3847968_20130319_075749.jpg?0.160It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 USA.gif?0.160
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    3,228 Posts
    Tue, Oct 21 2014 7:00 PM

    Chad: Word on our message board is PP Golf is going live very soon. Icon you're my top man, what can you tell me about it?

    Icon: Well boss I hate to say it but it looks very good. Could be tough competition for our platform. I don't think our program CE will work on it either.

    Chad: What's that look on your face about Shoe?

    Shoe: I swear I didn't meet with their people in New Jersey. 

    Chad: What????

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U387901_20110214_191458.jpg?0.160It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 USA.gif?0.160
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    4,925 Posts
    Tue, Oct 21 2014 7:05 PM
    Chad - So...who did that gold Frankenstein putter ? Except for Liberace, MC Hammer & Elvis, who would want it ?
    Icon - uh...we got good cash flow on the "Clash" roll out and everyone wants that putter
    Shoe - yes...I love gold & Liberace

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U1742669_20130723_122842.gif?0.160It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 USA.gif?0.160
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    15,356 Posts
    Tue, Oct 21 2014 7:14 PM

    It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 Icon-quoteCerinoDevoti:

    Chad: Word on our message board is PP Golf is going live very soon. Icon you're my top man, what can you tell me about it?

    Icon: Well boss I hate to say it but it looks very good. Could be tough competition for our platform. I don't think our program CE will work on it either.

    Chad: What's that look on your face about Shoe?

    Shoe: I swear I didn't meet with their people in New Jersey. 

    Chad: What????

    My nomination!

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U2273084_20200528_134820.jpg?0.160 It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 GBR.gif?0.160
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    10,731 Posts
    Tue, Oct 21 2014 9:34 PM
    It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 ACaption_Contest_zps49b120c1

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U5677135_20180301_160558.JPG?0.160It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 GGY.gif?0.160
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    8,378 Posts
    Tue, Oct 21 2014 9:46 PM
    I knew there may be a few good one's, and soon as I saw Mr. Ton:)
    Nice thread, lol.

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U8419137_20171107_120347.jpg?0.160It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 USA.gif?0.160
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    1,676 Posts
    Tue, Oct 21 2014 11:22 PM
    Thanks, Andyson, for creating this refreshing thread.

    Shoe: "Is that Gold putter the best available in the game?"
    Chad: "No, I gave the newest one to Icon. It's made from Rhodium, the rarest and most valuable precious metal." 
    Icon: "I'm saving it for my next match against Mags."

It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U168261_20131010_024453.jpg?0.160 It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 USA.gif?0.160
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3,379 Posts
Wed, Oct 22 2014 3:02 AM

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 10eroyq

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U2788032_20170514_124123.PNG?0.160 It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 USA.gif?0.160
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    3,508 Posts
    Wed, Oct 22 2014 4:17 AM
    It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 3b9c138b-27b8-4d66-8277-3ac7f85f0bf0_zpse8089cc5
    Doc Smile

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U387901_20110214_191458.jpg?0.160 It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 USA.gif?0.160
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    4,925 Posts
    Wed, Oct 22 2014 7:15 AM
    Chad - We got a big problem with this "Clash" gig....Courtney gave it an "F"
    Icon - huh ? c'mon, her CC "F" ? no way!
    Shoe - well, she is always right...but proper...maybe she means fun
    Chad - oh brother....pull your head out...she left out the "U"

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U614946_20160221_170410.png?0.160 It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 USA.gif?0.160
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    6,415 Posts
    Wed, Oct 22 2014 7:23 AM
    wgt:  "Stay with us now!  Smile"

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U1467774_20221128_151151.jpg?0.160 It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 GBR.gif?0.160
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    8,246 Posts
    Wed, Oct 22 2014 8:04 AM
    It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 Otgkfs
    It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 Otgkk7

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U1019772_20190609_145338.jpg?0.160 It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 GBR.gif?0.160 Ducati916
    1,116 Posts
    Wed, Oct 22 2014 8:13 AM
    It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 Smxahj

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U1019772_20190609_145338.jpg?0.160 It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 GBR.gif?0.160 Ducati916
    1,116 Posts
    Wed, Oct 22 2014 8:30 AM
    It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 2cgefc

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U2242766_20221213_160851.jpg?0.160 It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 CAN.gif?0.160
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    3,994 Posts
    Wed, Oct 22 2014 9:30 AM
    ICON:   Club v Club ,gold putter,  who comes up with them idea.?      SHOE:  I do ,and I have more great idea .                              CHAD:   It is so bad lately that you got many members thinking  WGT will close its door in the near future .  Maybe I should start moderating  you boys.     Grrrrr  that means I will have to work ;(    .

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U2242766_20221213_160851.jpg?0.160 It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 CAN.gif?0.160
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    3,994 Posts
    Wed, Oct 22 2014 9:41 AM
    ICON: Lots of crazy stuff going on  the forum lately it is not WGT best.         SHOE:  well there so much request  I just come up with them ideal  ....and it back fire on me ;(           CHAD:    OK   lets fix one problem at a time ,first  Them Frenchman  are on my case to get them a French avatar , Lets get them one ..charge them more for the aggravation.

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U1961044_20150509_043416.jpg?0.160 It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 GBR.gif?0.160
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    1,049 Posts
    Wed, Oct 22 2014 10:02 AM
    icon,,hey chad i see you got a new porsche golden colour is it not 
    shoe,,was wondering whos that was  
    chad yes bought it straight after the clash fiasco ,,,but the colour is the same as the putter i like to match things you know ,,

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U2788032_20170514_124123.PNG?0.160 It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 USA.gif?0.160
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    3,508 Posts
    Wed, Oct 22 2014 11:34 AM
    It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 Ce143daf-3a11-4428-9cb3-be5fd19f75ff_zps66035259
    Doc Smile

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U4618567_20201007_050216.jpg?0.160It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 GBR.gif?0.160
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    2,009 Posts
    Wed, Oct 22 2014 2:56 PM
    Shoe: Clueless Clowns
    Icon: heh heh, Clueless Clowns...
    Chad: LMAO, Clueless Clowns.....
    Chad: Back to work you lot - what can we do next to really upset the community!
    Kelly, MBDTK

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U304032_20200216_070644.jpg?0.160 It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 USA.gif?0.160
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    6,666 Posts
    Wed, Oct 22 2014 6:31 PM
    Shoe :  I found some notes in my used desk under a old pc of pizza . I used them . Sorry . I was just tryin to bring some fun to the game .
    Icon :  I gave you a can of bug spay do disinfect your flash and browser .
    Chad  :  This did not turn out like I wanted . I can not make up for what happened , But I will offer to back MrCaddie for the Christmas 2014 give away .

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U1045725_20180116_202718.jpg?0.160It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 USA.gif?0.160
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    2,929 Posts
    Wed, Oct 22 2014 11:07 PM
    S: is that Andy without his pants on

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U660625_20221101_114457.jpg?0.160It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 USA.gif?0.160
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    5,878 Posts
    Thu, Oct 23 2014 4:48 AM
    It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 ACaptionContest_zps49b120c1
    Chad: Hi everyone. We now have the Club vs Club Crash feature in a box set. A little confused? What is the object of the game? No worries! Let us show the best possible way to rack-up those XP's so you too stay ahead of the curve and increase your chances of snagging this beautiful Gold plated putter.
    Shoe:  Now he gets on the up and up. I need a beer, or better yet  somebody light one up!
    icon: Chad,,,,,I'll do anything for you. You say jump  and I ask, how high? You say run and I ask, how fast? But to sell our CC vs CC Crash feature loopholes in a box set, can we at least discuss this among ourselves first? Maybe even over a fat one like shoe suggest?,,,or a beer?

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U874000_20220617_072645.jpg?0.160It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 USA.gif?0.160
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    11,505 Posts
    Thu, Oct 23 2014 10:20 AM
    Chad:   Did hpurey finally shut up now that there are yellow Callaways?
    Icon: LOL  Finally, think he gave up on the horrible shade of yellow.
    Shoe: But now he's onto yellow Nikes and the new V-series Callaway driver/3wd.
    Chad: sigh, you give them an inch, they ask for a mile. 

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    6,415 Posts
    Thu, Oct 23 2014 8:01 PM

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    10,563 Posts
    Fri, Oct 24 2014 12:58 AM
    DB: What a week!!! I got arrested in Jersey wearing a pink tutu - cops thought I was a hooker
    Icon: Tell me about it, first the forum riot over the CC Cash drama, I lost to Mags, been accused of cheating and I still don't have a golden putter *Icon has a tantrum*
    Chad: Well guys, awesome week - CC Pass sales have soared, ball use up - the CC Clashes were a resounding success. But Icon and DB - make sure the programmers put loopholes on sale in the pro shop in time for the next clash.

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    8,378 Posts
    Fri, Oct 24 2014 2:42 AM
    It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 I8d76Id

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    11,505 Posts
    Fri, Oct 24 2014 4:10 AM
    It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 Enquirer102414_zps6dff13f2

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It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 Empty PAGES 5 & 6

Post by Paul Wed 14 Dec 2022, 8:50 pm


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10,731 Posts
Fri, Oct 24 2014 5:12 AM

  • Some employees are unhappy with the alpha testing of the new WGT Foosball.
    It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 UNKNOWN_2_TEAM_6_MAN_SQUAD_RED_VS_YELLOW_FOOSBAL

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    26,782 Posts
    Fri, Oct 24 2014 5:53 AM

    Chad: To lose a game is not a national calamity.
    WGTdbloshoe:"After I won, I asked my wife what she wanted. She said a divorce. I said I wasn't thinking of anything that expensive."

    WGTIcon,  "Do you mind if I play while you talk?".
    It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 ACaptionContest_zps49b120c1

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U6271703_20130303_144911.png?0.160It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 ETH.gif?0.160
    29 Posts
    Fri, Oct 24 2014 12:20 PM
    Shoe : "I was hoping that we could talk about my salary... It's been a year since my last raise, and in that time, I've taken on quite a few new responsibilities. I'm now solely responsible for overseeing our website and, as you mentioned last week, our results in that area have shot way up.."
    Icon : "*cough cough* too man"

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    6,415 Posts
    Fri, Oct 24 2014 4:06 PM

    It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 Icon-quotePaulTon:

    Some employees are unhappy with the alpha testing of the new WGT Foosball.
    It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 UNKNOWN_2_TEAM_6_MAN_SQUAD_RED_VS_YELLOW_FOOSBAL

    It appears Shoe got the shaft in that game Paul.  ;-)

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    8,246 Posts
    Sun, Oct 26 2014 6:08 AM

    It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 Icon-quotealanti:
    DB: What a week!!! I got arrested in Jersey wearing a pink tutu - cops thought I was a hooker

    Hi Alan,
    Every time I read the above I keep missing the 'DB' bit and think..... 'Hmm..this sounds fun'.
    Sure there's an animation in there somewhere!

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U1597110_20151108_060254.jpg?0.160 It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 USA.gif?0.160
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    1,882 Posts
    Sun, Oct 26 2014 7:40 AM
    It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 ACaptionContest_2_zps6a8f0efe

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U614946_20160221_170410.png?0.160It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 USA.gif?0.160
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    6,415 Posts
    Sun, Oct 26 2014 10:19 AM
    Last day for entries everyone!
    Contest closes today at midnight PDT.

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    3,379 Posts
    Sun, Oct 26 2014 11:18 AM
    Last one, I absolutely guarantee this applies regardless of the topic of conversation...
    lary: whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop, aya aya aya ruff ruff ruff!!!
    moe:OH YEAH MORON, pick two!!!!
    curly: Hey, I resemble that remark!!!!!! nyuk nyuk nyuk nyuk nyuk,

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U387901_20110214_191458.jpg?0.160 It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 USA.gif?0.160
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    4,925 Posts
    Sun, Oct 26 2014 11:25 AM
    CHAD - Ok then....let's wrap it up. Do you have any questions ? Anything ? Any questions at all ?
    Shoe - Do you believe sex before marriage is sexist ? Some of the gals see the putter as phallic
    Icon - I do

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U1742747_20130117_191219.jpg?0.160It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 USA.gif?0.160
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    5,385 Posts
    Sun, Oct 26 2014 12:02 PM
    Just got home from a big job at Freight Liner. Got my eyes full of fused silicate and can't see worth a flip. Can't read all the posts so will try to wing it. 
    Shoe: $hit
    Icon: Double $hit
    Chad: Not my fault, I was riding a wave.

It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U304032_20200216_070644.jpg?0.160 It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 USA.gif?0.160
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6,666 Posts
Sun, Oct 26 2014 7:28 PM

  • Shoe  :  well Boss I think we dodged a bullet with Andydaughters thread .  It was nice to see how it did not get out of control , The new trolls didnt go wild .
    Icon  :  I was Gaming with some players named Skype and Twitch or Yancycan" ( beta ) or something like that on my off time in the office all day .
    Chad  :   The new update is fixin  to come out and I need all hands on deck . A new course  and a Squatch or something to find are in the works .

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U7774678_20131109_163928.jpg?0.160It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 USA.gif?0.160
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    891 Posts
    Sun, Oct 26 2014 8:19 PM
    It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 BxoAl48
    Shoe>     What the heck is that look for Chad?
    Icon>  yeah Boss what's the surprise?
    Chad> I installed a new video camera under my desk before the meeting. I am watching the monitor..
    Shoe, you mind telling me why your hand is not in YOUR  pants anymore?

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U304032_20200216_070644.jpg?0.160It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 USA.gif?0.160
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    6,666 Posts
    Sun, Oct 26 2014 8:41 PM
    STD  ,  poor effort  .

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    15,356 Posts
    Sun, Oct 26 2014 11:15 PM
    Chad:  Okay, so the Clash didn't turn out as they players had planned...what can we do next?
    Icon:  Well, I was thinking of a Silver Lining Tourney.  Get the masses off the Gold thing for a bit...
    Shoe:  STFU both of you, SF is up 3-2 and going back to KC...THAT's what is important.
    Baggs:  I agree with Shoe.

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U3413189_20200819_094836.jpg?0.160It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 USA.gif?0.160
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    1,316 Posts
    Sun, Oct 26 2014 11:56 PM
    I'm too late......
            Too late for what?
                           Never mind......You'll never understand.

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U4567024_20130111_162626.jpg?0.160 It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 CAN.gif?0.160
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    161 Posts
    Mon, Oct 27 2014 5:15 AM
    why not give everyone a gold putter     too funny !!

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    161 Posts
    Mon, Oct 27 2014 5:20 AM
    It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRS-jm7JAcuZET88TsV0jOeRzAonP69dvkqKoHZkSxXuK4LrRIL
    I know nothing !!

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    4,019 Posts
    Mon, Oct 27 2014 7:55 PM
    Chad: after the debacle on the CC clash, we should send all who played, a sleeve of balls
    Shoe: I totally agree Boss
    Icon: that would be a great gesture Chad
    Chad: Frick em, we got there monies, see you guys tomorrow!

  • It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 U614946_20160221_170410.png?0.160It's time we all had some fun in the forum! National WGT Enquirer Caption Contest!! OCTOBER 2014 USA.gif?0.160
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    6,415 Posts
    Tue, Oct 28 2014 5:38 PM
    Thank you all for contributing the great captions!!  I hope you all had fun.
    SweetiePie's entry about the Frankenstein putter made me laugh and gave me some ideas for Enquirer.  Lily is one winner.  Opy will contact you Lily to find out what sleeve of balls you like.  Thank you Opy.
    Opy's pick is the quote "Stay with us now." added to the scene by drmoose.  Very relevant and funny.   WGTdbloshoe, please contact drmoose to find out what balls he would like from you.  Thanks Shoe!
    I think you all will like the end result.
    The Enquirer Special Report, featuring the winning entries will be published very soon.
    *edit* The National WGT Enquirer Special Report October 2014 is now posted.

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