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INFO VINE * 50 Major Events of the 1950s *
INFO VINE * 50 Major Events of the 1950s *
[Photo Courtesy: Reading Through History / YouTube ]
The 50s were a time that will be forever be remembered in history. From the invention of the color TV to wars being fought that would forever go down in history. The 50s have a lot of significant events that took place during that time, some of which to this day has had a dramatic impact without you even realizing it. Take a scroll through this gallery and see which one of these events continue to play a role in the society we have shaped today.
One of the most notable events to occur in the 1950s came in terms of warfare weaponry. With America reeling in the devastation of World War II, it was decided that we needed a weapon that would effectively end the assault on American troops and end the threat of the Japanese.
[Photo Courtesy: Nuclear Test / ]
On July 25, 1950, President Harry Truman approved the commission of a massive thermonuclear weapon. Despite objections from David Lilienthal, the chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, Truman opted for an aggressive strategy to devise a “super bomb.”
Kidney Transplant
Medical advancements were developing rapidly throughout the ’50s. Treatments and procedures that prolonged human life were growing beyond the sphere of what medical professionals had thought possible at that time. One of these advancements came in the form of an organ transplant.
[Photo Courtesy: Kidney Transplant /]
In 1954, this evolving medical technology was used to complete the first-ever successful organ transplant. The organ that was transplanted was a kidney. That transplant opened the doors for further research and exploration that led to a future full of organ transplant possibilities.
First Color TV
The 1950s was an industrial age. Television had taken the world by storm just a few years earlier. Televisions in that time were largely black and white in the picture. However, it was often pondered on how events could be captured in color and displayed on the screen in that same color. Eventually, the technology to do just that was discovered.
[Photo Courtesy: CT-100 / ]
RCA, an electronics company, released the first consumer color television set in 1954. The model was called CT-100 and came complete with a 15-inch color screen. It came with a hefty price tag, however. At $1,000, it cost the equivalent of $8,000 adjusted for today's inflation.
Baby Fever
Nothing breathes more life into you than winning a long and brutal war. Apparently, many Americans took to their bedrooms to celebrate. The result was a massive rise in babies being born in the 1950s. While the great depression had dwindled the total population, the war effort victory had the opposite effect.
[Photo Courtesy: Bay Tat / Pixabay]
During that time period, the number of annual births exceeded 2 per 100 women. To put that in perspective, during the “postwar baby-boom” an estimated 78.3 million Americans were born into the world.
Rock N’ Roll Origins
One of the greatest gifts that the 1950s gave us was the gift of Rock N’ Roll. Rock N’ Roll music evolved within the United States music scene but quickly spread to other countries. One of the more underrated effects that it had, was that it combined African American cultural music styles, with that of Caucasians, helping to bridge racial tensions that were taking place in the area.
[Photo Courtesy: Rock N’ Roll / Pixnio]
Rock N’ Roll was more than just a musical style, however. It became a culture of its own. It changed the way people danced, the way they dressed, and the way it influenced the people. It was especially popular among the teens and the younger crowds because it gave them their own special identity and voice.
Korean War
On June 25, 1950, America found itself preparing for yet another war. 75,000 soldiers from North Korea’s Army crossed a boundary that was controlled by U.S. allies, and off-limits to the power-hungry North Koreans. The United States responded by sending troops into South Korea, at South Korea’s request.
[Photo Courtesy: Korean War / ]
The fighting took place across what was called the 38th parallel, a zone that was widely considered a “neutral zone.” While the war kicked off, U.S. officials, fearing another war in which North Korea ally Russia would become involved, sought an end. In 1953, they got their wish, and the war was ended.
Death of a Dictator
Joseph Stalin was considered to be one of the coldest and ruthless dictators in Russian History. His hard-line stances put him at odds with the United States all throughout history, even siding with the Germans at the start of WWII. He was known to reject anything even remotely associated with western civilization.
[Photo Courtesy: Joseph Stalin / ]
He was notorious for breaking his promises post-war and continuing his dominion of Eastern European countries. Anyone who stood against him was executed or sent to the Gulag, a hard labor prison camp in the most frozen and desolate parts of Europe. Thankfully, to everyone's relief, Stalin died of a heart attack in 1953.
Discovery of DNA
James Watson, a biologist, and Francis Crick, a physicist, are credited with the discovery of DNA in the 1950s. They were the first to make the groundbreaking conclusion that DNA molecules existed in the form of a 3D double Helix. A conclusion that has revolutionized our study of genetics.
[Photo Courtesy: DNA /]
However, the idea that they were credited as the innovators, is not entirely accurate. In 1869, physiologist Friedreich Miescher first discovered nucleic acid, which was the foundation of all DNA related research. Still, Watson and Crick took that knowledge and ran with it, so they get the credit.
Immigration and Naturalization Act
In 1952, the Immigration and Naturalization Act, also known as the McCarran-Walter Act, was put into the place. It was the first federally restrictive law on immigration into the United States. Just 30 years prior to this act, Eastern European Nations had massively immigrated to the New World via Ellis Island in search of a better life.
[Photo Courtesy: Ellis Island Immigrants / ]
However, due to the shifting nature of U.S. conflicts with foreign countries, irrational fears and panic began to spread throughout the people of possible radicals and spies hiding in their midst. For this reason, the United States implemented this act in order to set a hard cap on the number of immigrants allowed in specific countries.
Death of King George VI
King George was one of the most well-respected modern Monarchs in British history. He was in command during WWII. While many of his political allies wanted to negotiate a surrender with Hitler, King George opted to trust his gut and ally himself with Winston Churchill, the Prime Minister, and declare war on the Nazis.
[Photo Courtesy: Winston-Churchill-the-Prime-Minister-with-King-George-VI / ]
As a result of that decision, Buckingham Palace was bombed with the King and the Queen inside. Luckily, both survived, although the King's Brother, the Duke of Kent, was killed during active service. The king who was beloved for sharing the hardships of war with the people, On February 6, 1952, was found dead in his bed after a long battle with Illness.
Atomic Sub
The USS Nautilus was the first of its kind. Germans had wreaked havoc on the United States Navy. The United States was in a rush to invent a better more capable submarine, and the evolution of nuclear technology offered that opportunity. The Nautilus was the first nuclear-powered submarine in the U.S. Navy.
[Photo Courtesy: Nuclear Powered Submarine / US National Archives ]
In 1954, the Submarine was officially launched in the Thames River in Connecticut. It received honorary christenings by Mamie Eisenhower, the wife of the president, and by former President Harry Truman.
Blow to Big Tobacco
In the 1900s, the popularity of smoking cigarettes was at an all-time high. Lung cancer was an afterthought, as it was a disease that was incredibly rare. Smoking was everywhere, in the movies, on advertisements and billboards, the United States Military would even hand them out for free to the soldiers in WWII.
[Photo Courtesy: Tobacco Building / Picryl]
In 1954 a medical study was conducted that showed the devastating effects that cigarettes have on the human body. Specifically, Smoking increased the risk of getting cancer. Cancer in those days was considered a death sentence, and the resulting aftermath of his report dropped cigarette sales on a large scale.
The Warsaw Pact
The Warsaw Pact was signed in 1955 in Warsaw, Poland. At the time, the Cold War was ongoing, and the Soviet Union was carving up countries within the Eastern Bloc. At that time, Germany was divided, and West Germany had joined NATO, leaving many of the Eastern Europeans unprotected from the wrath of the soviets, with the allies not getting involved.
[Photo Courtesy: The Warsaw Pact / Simple History / YouTube]
As a defense, the Eastern Bloc nations banded together to push back against the Soviets. The Soviets, however, were hell-bent on maintaining control of the military forces of the Eastern Blocs, as a compromise, the Warsaw Pact was signed, giving the Soviets military mutiny, so long as they allowed the other states to govern themselves.
Vietnam War
The Vietnam war was one of the most unpopular wars in American history. Initially, there was support for it but beginning with the refusal of Muhammad Ali to be drafted, a resistance began, aided by Ali. The war initially began just two years after the end of the Korean war in 1953. November 1, 1955, marked the beginning of this encounter.
[Photo Courtesy: Vietnam War Soldiers / Pixabay]
The war itself was initially between North Vietnam supported by China, and the Soviet Union, and South Vietnam, supported by the U.S., South Korea, Australia, and other anti-communist allies. The war lasted 19 years with the U.S. withdrawing in 1973.
Brown V. Board of Education
The Supreme Court is the highest court in the United States. Conceived to give a final judgment on matters of the constitution, when they make a ruling on a case, the whole country takes notice. This is especially true when the court issues a ruling that goes against societal precedent. This is exactly what transpired in Brown V. Board of Education.
[Photo Courtesy: Linda Brown Segregation / ]
In 1954 the supreme court issued a ruling that changed the landscape of the United States. Chief Justice Earl Warren led the charge writing “In the field of education, the doctrine “separate but equal” has no place, as segregated schools are inherently unequal.”
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill was one of the most polarizing figures in the history of Britain. He was a former actor, whose popularity among the people allowed him to rise to power, despite a lack of political prowess. His stock increased during his handling of WWII pressures to surrender to Hitler, instead of rallying the people and convincing King George to stand his ground, in addition to engineering a brilliantly unorthodox rescue of British troops stranded at Dunkirk.
[Photo Courtesy: Winston Churchill / ]
In 1955, Churchill was once elected to a second term as prime minister. Unfortunately, he was 77 years old at the time and plagued by health issues. In 1955 he was forced to retire from his position due to these concerns.
Alaska was initially discovered by the Russians. This occurred way back in 1771. In 1784 Grigory Shelikhov founded the first Russian colony there. Soon after, the Russians began building sentiments all over. As a result, the native Aleut population began to dwindle.
[Photo Courtesy: Alaska / Pixabay ]
After a series of Economic hardships, Russia offered to sell Alaska to the U.S. In 1867, the U.S officially purchased the land from Russia for 7.2 million dollars. President Eisenhower would later sign a special proclamation admitting Alaska into the Union as the 49th State. This Proclamation occurred in 1959.
The race to space technology was one of the hottest races in the world. The two chief competitors were the United States and Russia. Russia beat the U.S. to the punch, with the launch of the first space “spy” satellite known to have existed. The Satellite was known as “Sputnik.” It was launched in 1957.
[Photo Courtesy: Aerospace Breadcrumb Sputnik / Pixabay]
The satellite itself was considered to be the first artificial earth satellite. It orbited for only three weeks before its batteries died, and it stopped transmitting radio broadcasts and continued to orbit around the earth silently. Eventually, it fell back down into orbit, and the Soviets were able to gain a great deal of information about space from it.
North American Air Defense Command was a joint operation between the United States and Canada. Due to threats from the Japanese, and in particular, the development of long-range Soviet aircraft, and the testing of an atom bomb by the Soviets, the North Americans decided they needed an early warning system should the unpredictable countries launch an attack.
[Photo Courtesy: People Working at NORAD / US National Archives ]
This defense system started as an array of satellites and air defense warning systems that would alert either country of any unauthorized air traffic in the area, or any kind of missile launch. NORAD began in 1957 and is still operational today.
The Antarctic Treaty
Antarctica has always been a place of intrigue for many countries. It is unique in the fact that it is the only continent on Earth without a human population. During the Cold War, it was decided that Antarctica needed to be a neutral zone, free from warfare, or conquer. Hence the Antarctic treaty was signed in 1959.
[Photo Courtesy:The South Antarctic / Pixabay ]
The continent was free game in terms of scientific exploration as time wore on and it became apparent how important Antarctica was in terms of science and global ecosystems. Leading to several countries working cooperatively in research stations and data sharing, despite the political ideations and differences.
Rise of the Xerox
One of the most overused, and underappreciated inventions in the modern business world, is the xerox machine. While other copy methods existed before the commercialized xerox machine, the release of the newer technology greatly increased the efficiency of modern-day businesses.
[Photo Courtesy: Xerox / ]
Released commercially in 1959, the Xerox machine replaced common copy methods at the time such as Verifax, or carbon paper. RCA seized the opportunity to mark the first variation which they called “Electrofax.”
Red Scare
Joseph McCarthy is one of the most loathed political figures of all time. In the 1950’s he began leading the anti-communist charge in American politics. The problem was, there was absolutely no evidence that communists had infiltrated the country or politics. But that didn't stop McCarthy?
[Photo Courtesy: The Red Scare / Andreas Metz]
He would handout charges of communism at anyone who dared disagree with his stances. Often times it was celebrities and intellectuals who found themselves in his crosshairs, he ruined many careers and lives with his baseless accusations.
Prior to 1953, the Democratic Party of the United States had been winning election after election keeping the presidency within the party. Then, for the Republican party, along came Dwight Eisenhower. What was interesting about Eisenhower, is that he was popular with the people, but had no political experience whatsoever.
[Photo Courtesy: Dwight Eisenhower / US National Archives
The Democratic Candidate in 52’ was Adlai Stevenson. The two campaigned against one another, but it was clear from the jump that Eisenhower's respect from the people would propel him to victory. Surely enough, on Nov. 4th, that’s exactly what happened.
Communism was a hot button issue in the 1950s. In the case of Rosenberg, the scare of communist ideations infiltrating the U.S. may have cost them their lives. On June 19, 1953, the couple was executed in Sing Prison in New York, on charges of treason.
[Photo Courtesy: Ethel og Julius Rosenberg / Store norske leksikon]
The charges alleged that Julius Rosenberg, a member of the United States Army, and his wife Ethel were planning to pass sensitive American intelligence to the Soviet Union. The trial was far from impartial, and it is still unclear to this day if they were guilty, as the couple denied their involvement in their graves.
Polio Vaccine
Polio was an epidemic in the United States in the early 1950s. The rates were around 25,000 cases annually. The race was on to find a vaccine and millions of dollars were put into finding it. The disease was fatal and finding a vaccine was no easy task. Thankfully, a man named Jonas Salk stepped in to save the day.
[Photo Courtesy: Polio / ]
In 1952, Salk, with the help of researchers at the University of Pittsburgh, finally came up with a vaccine. The vaccine was massively successful as by 1961, after a mass administration of the vaccine, only 161 reported cases of polio existed in the U.S.
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Racial tensions in the U.S. were at a highpoint in the 1950s. The African American community had begun to rise up against the injustice they were facing. There were many sit-ins and protests going around throughout the south, and one of the most prominent names within those protests was Rosa Parks.
[Photo Courtesy: Montgomery Bus Boycott / US National Archives ]
Rosa Parks was a young woman who refused to surrender her seat on the bus to a white person. This violated crude “Jim Crow” laws, and she was subsequently arrested for it. The result was a boycott of the bus system in general, forcing a change to the laws, which eventually worked.
Project Mercury
In the ’50s, one of the biggest international races was the race for space technology superiority. Being the first to launch any kind of space exploration would be a huge accomplishment for the nation that managed to accomplish it. In terms of getting a live human into space, the Americans made it first.
[Photo Courtesy: Project Mercury / Picryl]
Prior to human exploration, the United States Airforce led by the newly formed NASA conducted 20 un-manned developmental flights. This allowed them to tighten up potential security issues before sending humans into play. Project Mercury successfully sent 6 astronauts into space before its end.
Airplanes were revolutionizing the travel industry. The ability to travel across the country in mere hours opened up a range of new possibilities for businesses. The ability to cross the Atlantic Ocean would open the doors to international travel but an airplane capable of doing such a thing had not been invented yet.
[Photo Courtesy: BOAC / ]
In October of 1958, British airways BOAC beat the world to the punch. They launched two flights, one from New York to London, and then from London back to New York. After this successful flight debut, several competitors followed suit.
Following “The Movement” in Cuba in 1953, Castro was tried for an attack on Fulgencio Batista’s barracks. He delivered a passionate speech at his trial proclaiming “History will absolve me,” before being sentenced to 15 years. Castro was later pardoned by the same government he rebelled against, as they felt he was no longer a political threat.
[Photo Courtesy: Fidel Castro /]
This turned out to be a fatal mistake for Batista, as Castro eventually returned to Cuba from his exile in Mexico and took power.
National TV
Television was a relatively new invention in the ’50s. Most sets were black and white, as color had not yet been invented (Though it would be in the late ’50s.) One thing that did not exist, however, was national television. Shows and broadcasts were limited to short-range stations and were dependent on the area in which you lived.
[Photo Courtesy: President Harry Truman Meeting / US National Archives ]
In 1951, that changed. The technology to broadcast one event simultaneously to every household in the nation emerged. On September 4, 1951, the first national television transmission went out of President Harry Truman accepting a treaty that effectively ended America’s occupation of Japan post-WWII.
Federal-Aid Highway Act
President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the National Highway Act into law on June 29, 1956. This authorized $25 billion dollars for the construction of a major interstate highway. 41,000 miles of highway, to be exact. This was a huge undertaking, with the federal government taking 90% of the financial load.
[Photo Courtesy: National System of Interstate / Picryl]
The project was initially slated to last 10 years, but it actually lasted much longer. The money for the highway construction came from a federal trust fund that was funded with a new tax on fuel and diesel.
The earliest settlers of Hawaii are believed to be Polynesian voyagers. American traders began frequenting the island early in the 18th century, presumably to export the sandalwood found on the island. As American exploration continued, the sugar industry boomed on the island bringing missionaries and settlers who began to develop the area.
[Photo Courtesy: Hawaii / ]
On August 21, 1959, President Eisenhower signed a proclamation admitting Hawaii into the union as the official 50th state in the United States. This also changed the makeup of the American flag, which Eisenhower ordered to be changed.
ICBM stands for Intercontinental Ballistic Missile. These missiles were renowned for their long-range capabilities. Generally, they are considered to be nuclear missiles, as that is the standard warhead that goes in them, although they can be adapted for different purposes.
[Photo Courtesy: An intercontinental ballistic missile / Public Domain Archive]
This came into play during the Cold War in the 1950s. The fact that the Soviet Union had been testing atomic bombs only added to that fear.
Fallout Shelters
Due to the nuclear panic brought on by the Cold War and fear of communism, many people began to build nuclear fallout shelters in their back yards. The Government helped fuel that fear by building them first and the trend leaked to the people. The NEAR program for civilian nuclear alarm helped to spread the panic, along with Joseph McCarthy.
[Photo Courtesy: A Diagram of a Family Fallout Shelter / US National Archives]
The program was developed in 1956 to supplement the existing siren warning broadcast systems in the event of a nuclear attack. Unfortunately, the device was tested, and it did not pass, effectively terminating the program.
First Credit Card
Credit cards were unheard of in the 1950s. Most forms of credit came in the form of a handwritten tab and a promise to pay later. In 1950, Diners Club international forever altered the financial landscape. It is often amazing how these revolutionary ideas are born from such simple moments.
[Photo Courtesy: First Mag Card / ]
The credit card was invented, because one of the co-founders, Frank McNamara, was having dinner with friends. He had accidentally left his wallet in another suit when the bill came due. His wife was forced to pay, which was of great embarrassment for him, and hence, the idea of a chargeable card in case of such emergencies came about.
Einstein’s warning
With the U.S. and the Soviets on the brink of a nuclear war, the threat of global destruction was imminent. One of the most brilliant minds to ever walk the planet stepped in to give his opinions. Albert Einstein was one of the most respected people in the country, and when he chose to speak on matters of importance, people tended to listen.
[Photo Courtesy: Image by Jackie Ramirez from Pixabay ]
Einstein said of the Nuclear bomb “In refusing to outlaw this bomb, while having the monopoly of it, the country suffers in another respect in that it fails to return publicly to the ethical standards of warfare formally accepted previous to the last war.”
I Love Lucy
One of the most popular shows to ever hit television was called “I Love Lucy.” The show debuted on October 15, 1951. The show starred Lucielle Ball and her husband. It premiered on CBS following the life of a middle-class housewife in New York City. It was incredibly popular with the people.
[Photo Courtesy: Lucy and Ricky climb in the Alps / ]
In 4 of its 6 seasons, it was the most-watched show in the United States. The show continued until 1957, airing a total of 180 30-minute episodes. A modified version continued after the original show was canceled, and it was still very popular.
22nd Amendment
The 22nd amendment of the United States constitution puts limits on presidential power. This amendment limits the number of terms a president can serve to two years. In 1951, following the votes and the ratification process were completed, with the amendment officially becoming law.
[Photo Courtesy: The Ratification of the Twenty-Second Amendment / ]
This was viewed as a good move in history, as it continually refreshed the seat of power in the United States helping to maintain the balance. In the words of Mark Twain, “Politicians and diapers should be changed often, and for the same reasons.”
Mad Magazine
Mad magazine is still an incredibly popular magazine today. It was a comedy magazine full of satire and humor. Over the years it has covered every movie review, political article, and major world event in a quirky, and hilarious fashion.
[Photo Courtesy: A Tribute to MAD Magazine / FredFlix / YouTube]
The magazine was founded in 1952. The editor was Harvey Kurtzman, and the Publisher was William Gaines. It was a huge success. Many other magazines began attempting to mimic the style, leading to a massive uprising in satirical media.
Casino Royale
The work of author Ian Flemming is well known globally. The author who penned life into the super spy character James Bond in 1953. This is when the very first James Bond novel, Casino Royale was published. This novel would pave the way for many other stories.
[Photo Courtesy: Casino Royale / Cult Cinema Classics / YouTube]
James Bond would live on to become an international icon. He would move from the book pages to the silver screen, portrayed by the likes of Roger Moore, Sean Connery, Pierce Brosnan, and Daniel Craig playing the spy.
TV Dinners
The TV dinner was an iconic staple for most Americans after its invention in the 1950s. It was a simple, and easy way to prepare a quick meal for the family. The food came in an aluminum tray that was heated in the oven. They quickly soared in popularity, earning their place as one of the most popular foods of the decade.
[Photo Courtesy: Banquet Basic Meatloaf / Open Food Facts]
C.A. Swanson and Sons released the first version of this. “The Swanson TV Dinner” has been a household name since 1953.
Ellis Island
For many years, Ellis Island was the focal point of Immigration into the United States. Standing at the mouth of the Hudson River, with Lady Liberty looming over it, it was often the first sight immigrants saw entering America. Hundreds of thousands of people passed through its gates en route to a better life.
[Photo Courtesy: Image by 1778011 from Pixabay ]
Ellis Island was long considered the gateway to America, but after the passage of several restrictive immigration laws made the flow of immigrants non-existent, it was deemed a waste of federal money. On November 12, 1954, Ellis Island shut down.
The Flash
Superhuman speeds were considered to be the things you only hear in legends. Comic book characters with superhuman abilities that save the world. In the case of Roger Bannister, however, he proved to the world that ordinary people can have extraordinary abilities.
[Photo Courtesy: Roger Bannister / ]
Bannister was a competitive runner and a good one. On May 6th, 1954 in Oxford, Roger Bannister ran the first sub-four-minute mile in history. At just over 3 minutes and 59 seconds, he became the fastest ever athlete to run a mile.
In 1954, the Disney corporation began building its first major theme park. Disney had purchased 160 acres of land in Anaheim, California. Originally, the names for the theme park were “The Mickey Mouse Park,” and “Disneyland.” Eventually, it became Disneyland.
[Photo Courtesy: Early Disneyland / ]
When Disneyland opened in 1955, it had just 18 rides and attractions. However, that did not stop its booming popularity. One year after it opened, Disneyland had had 5 million people pass through its gates for a visit.
Ray Kroc
McDonald's is one of the most Iconic restaurant franchises in America. There is nothing considered more American than a McDonalds' burger and fries. They have now become a global phenomenon feeding billions of people each year. Their popularity never seems to wane, and they make boatloads of money.
[Photo Courtesy: Ray Kroc /
In 1954, Ray Kroc, a salesman for a milkshake machine company happened across a McDonald's restaurant. Kroc used his knowledge working with the brothers in the restaurants to eventually take it over and helped expand it into the franchise it is today.
In God We Trust
In the beginning, Americans were devoutly Christian people. While the ideologies and versions of Christianity had changed over time, the original foundation of religion in America had not. It was the one thing that unified most people. It was believed that faith in God kept people honest, which just made the country work better.
[Photo Courtesy: Dollar Bill / ]
On July 11, 1955, President Eisenhower signed H.R. 619 into law. This law required that the United States Treasury Print "In God we Trust'' on all new currency. Politicians approved the idea as they believed it would help serve as a reminder of faith and help galvanize the nation.
The Microchip
Microchips are small electronic devices that don't exceed the size of your finger. They are used in all kinds of technology today. From TV’s to Laptops, to cell phones, the microchip was a revolutionary piece of technology that allowed us to make improvements on many aspects of technology.
[Photo Courtesy: Image by Cristian Ibarra from Pixabay ]
The Microchip was originally invented in 1959. Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce are the men who pioneered this new technology. They were recognized for their efforts and received a federal patent.
Chess Prodigy
Chess was not a very popular game in the U.S. Competitive chess wasn’t something that was ever really followed in America. Most of the onus on that sort of thing went to Russia. The Americans did not seem to care about the game that takes incredible intellect, at least they didn’t, until Bobby Fischer.
[Photo Courtesy: Bobby Fischer / ]
In the 1950s, Bobby Fischer shocked the world in what was called “The Match of the century.” At just 13 years old, he won his first-ever U.S. chess championship. Fischer would go on to become a Chess Grandmaster at 15, the youngest to ever be bestowed that title.
Hula Hoop
Children’s toys went through a great period of innovation in the 1950s. There were all kinds of toys dealing with space exploration, toy soldiers, and model planes and automobiles, they were all the rage. However, the invention of one toy has been popular from its release, all the way until today.
[Photo Courtesy: Hula Hoop /
The Hula Hoop was invented in 1958. It was manufactured by toy manufacturing giant Wham-o. The toy flew off the shelves. In fact, in the first four months it was available, an estimated 25 million hula hoops were sold.
Heartbreak Hotel
Rock N’ Roll music soared in popularity in the 1950s. It was new, it was hip, and it embodied all of the things the youth in the culture wanted to be. It altered the way they dressed, how they talked, walked, and even danced. There was no single Musician that was more popular for Rock N’ Roll in the 1950s than the King, Elvis Presley.
[Photo Courtesy: Elvis Presley / ]
On January 27, 1956, Elvis Presley had signed with RCA Victor, a new record label. His first song on the record was “Heartbreak Hotel.” The song was insanely popular sitting atop the billboard top 100 charts for an impressive 7 straight weeks.
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