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INFO VINE * The History of The Excavation Excursions Throughout the World *

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INFO VINE *  The History of The Excavation Excursions Throughout the World * Empty INFO VINE * The History of The Excavation Excursions Throughout the World *

Post by Paul Tue 20 Feb 2024, 4:56 pm

The History of The Excavation Excursions Throughout the World

INFO VINE *  The History of The Excavation Excursions Throughout the World * 0500a97ee491ac8d3d78f98f6653c8aa
Photo Courtesy: [Chris Bouroncle/AFP/Getty Images]
Are you someone that is interested in ancient history or the discovery of ancient fossils? If so, then you should check out these amazing excavations that have taken place all over the world and the amazing finds that these archeologists have unearthed. There are numerous sites around the world that take us back to ancient times and bring us the discovery of cities such as Troy and Jericho. 

Archaeologists all over the world have the same goal and want to show people the memories of our past. There have been a large number of treasures that have been found and some ancient cities that were always thought of as myth. The 1800s was the time to explore and find these lost cultivations that nobody thought existed. 

If you are someone that enjoys history and the discovery of lost artifacts then you should check out these interesting findings that have been going on for the past several hundred years. 


The ancient city of Troy was a myth and legend until it was discovered in 1871 by Heinrich Schliemann who was a millionaire that was obsessed with ancient artifacts and the legends that surrounded them. Schliemann and his team started digging in 1873 and discovered the remnants of a massive city just like it was described in Homer's Illiad. 

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Photo Courtesy: [DEA G Dagli Orti/De Agostini/Getty Images]

The ancient city was found in a region of Turkey that was a proposed site by many scholars. Other than finding ruins, Schliemann found a treasure trove of jewelry and other objects that were made of gold which he named Priam's treasure. This was a tremendous discovery for the millionaire that didn't have much experience in archaeology. 

The Sphinx

When people think of the Great Pyramids, the Sphinx is always in mind since it is the guardian of the pyramids. The Sphinx has been around longer than the pyramids but when the mighty ancient Egyptian empire fell, the structure was covered by years of sand and was covered all the way up to the head. 

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Photo Courtesy: [JB Helsby/Hulton Archive/Getty Images]

In 1817, an Italian explorer and archeologist Giovanni Battista Caviglia decided that he wanted to excavate the remaining body of the Great Sphinx. So he led 160 men to start the process but was unable to keep the sand out of the lower portion of the body. It wasn't until the 1930s that an Egyptian archaeologist, Selim Hassan, was able to set the body free. 

Miami Ancient Excavation 

This ancient excavation site was found in the middle of downtown Miami. The discovery was made when the location was being prepared to construct a new complex building. When archeologists started excavating the site they found massive stones that could have been used to make up a structure and little artifacts were found lying around as well. 

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Photo Courtesy: [Eric Smith/Hulton Archive/Getty Images]

This wasn't the first time that ancient remains were found in the city of Miami, Florida. There is another site called the Miami Circle which is known to be of ancient origin and scientists believe that these two sites must have been built by the same ancient people who they think are ancient Native Americans. 

Mass Grave at Dickson Mounds

This extraordinary mass grave was found in Fulton County, Illinois in 1927 by an excavator named Dickson Mounds. The site is a Native American burial site that was in use during the years 800 to around 1200. Dickson was a chiropractor that was digging around on his family's farm when he discovered the remains of hundreds of skeletons and named the mounds after himself. 

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Photo Courtesy: [Hulton Archive/Hulton Archive/Getty Images]

After contacting some archeologists, Dickson started excavating as much as he could and found 237 bodies in the process. Once Dickson found all the bodies he decided that he wanted to make the site a private museum and in 1972 it was officially made a museum by the state of Illinois. 

The Theatre

In 2008, archaeologists were digging around the grounds of a theatre when they discovered an interesting structure that is known as The Theatre which was a prominent spot where William Shakespeare would perform. This was quite a surprise to find in London and a discovery that had an impact on the rest of the theatre.

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Photo Courtesy: [Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images News/Getty Images]

This was the theatre that Shakespeare performed in before he moved onto the Globe Theatre and was well preserved when the archaeologists excavated the site. Aside from finding this theatre there was another that was located on the same grounds, this location was a hotspot for London's past theatres. 

Tomb of Herod

The Tomb of Herod is a famous Jewish archeological site that was discovered in 2008 by archaeologist Ehud Netzer who is part of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He started digging at Herodium in 1972 because he heard of the story of Herod who became the king of Jerusalem in 37 BCE with the help of the Romans.

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Photo Courtesy: [Getty Images/Getty Images News/Getty Images]

It took years for Netzer to find the lost tomb of the late king, he thought that the tomb might be located on the top of this hilltop and started digging there. Once Netzer found the tombs he was relieved that his work paid off and the tomb can be viewed by people all over the world. 

Body of Lucy

This skeleton is the ancient body of a female Australopithecus which is a certain type of species that was walking the earth before human beings were. She was discovered in 1974 by paleoanthropologist Donald Johanson in Ethiopia. The reason for Lucy's name is the song "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds" was playing in the background all day at the excavation camp and when she was found Johanson thought it was an appropriate name.  

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Photo Courtesy: [Bloomberg/Bloomberg/Getty Images]

When the scientists dated the bones they were astonished by the date which dated back to around 3.2 million years ago, the team pieced together the skeleton and almost got a full-body worth of bones. Lucy became world-famous and went on a tour around the world in an amazing exhibition. 

Tomb of Tutankhamun

The most famous discovery on this list is the discovery of the Tomb of Tutankhamun who was an Egyptian King that was stored with a large amount of gold and was the biggest archaeological find in Egypt. This remarkable excavation was carried out by archeologists Howard Carter, he discovered the elaborate tomb in 1922 and was surprised by the number of items that were stored inside. 

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Photo Courtesy: [Apic/Hulton Archive/Getty Images]

The tomb was untouched as robbers thought that they had gotten into the main chamber in previous years. It took Howard and his team almost eight years to carefully take out all the items of the tomb, all of these items were transported to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo where you can see most of them on display. 

Site of Ur

In 1922, the English Sir Leonard Wooley wanted to find the ancient city of Ur and was given some locations that the city might be located. With the help of the locals, he discovered the city and started excavating the site which took around 12 years to fully excavate. Upon his findings, Wooley discovered 16 kings and queens that each had their own graves and artifacts that were known to be the Queen's Treasure.

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Photo Courtesy: [DEA Picture Library/De Agostini/Getty Images]

Since this excavation occurred during the 1920s in the middle of what is present-day Iraq, there wasn't much machinery that could be used so most of the work was done by hand, this is why it took so long to excavate the whole site but in the end, it was worth it. 

Aguja Formation

The Aguja Formation is a large rock formation that contains the remains of several dinosaurs and is located in the state of Texas and a part of Mexico. Scientists first started finding dinosaur fossils in this formation in the early 20th century and have found numerous amount of species including Agujaceratops and Yehuecauhceratops. 

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Photo Courtesy: [Roland T Bird/Hulton Archive/Getty Images]

There have been many findings on both the Texas and Mexico side and there are still paleontologists that are still looking for any signs of fossils that have been overlooked. There are not too many ancient sites that were left in America but what the country has an abundance of is dinosaur fossils. 

Pyramids of Meroë

The Pyramids of Meroë are a series of pyramids that were built by the people of the Kushite Kingdom, they are part of an even bigger group of Nubian Pyramids. These pyramids were made for the kings and queens of the Kushite Kingdom but were sacked by tomb robbers in ancient times so there weren't as many artifacts left behind.

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Photo Courtesy: [Ashraf Shazly/AFP/Getty Images]

During the 1930s, a treasure hunter by the name of Guiseppe Ferlini began excavating these pyramids but in the process destroyed around 40 out of the around 80 pyramids. A couple of other explorers visited the site but didn't excavate anything as it was dangerous. 

Henry VII Chapel

In 2006, archeologists discovered a chapel that was once used by the English King Henry VII, it was discovered under a parking lot at the Royal Hospital in Greenwich, United Kingdom. The chapel was built between 1500 to 1504 and served as a place where the king was married.

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Photo Courtesy: [Scott Barbour/Getty Images News/Getty Images]

There was also signs of other building that were used by Henry VII as well, his royal home wasn't located too far away and was one of the favorite houses that the family-owned. There have been numerous amounts of excavation sites located all over the United Kingdom due to the amount of history the land has gone through. 

Sutton Hoo

The site of Sutton Hoo is the location of two excavation sites that were located on a farmer's land in Suffolk, England. There were a series of mounds that were on Edith Pretty's land and she became interested and contacted some archeologists that might be interested. In 1938, they started excavating these mounds and found numerous amount of artifacts including a ship and helmet that came from the Anglo-Saxon era. The ship was almost fully intact and the helmet is one of the best-preserved artifacts of that time.

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Photo Courtesy: [A Cook/Hulton Archive/Getty Images]

The site is believed to be a tomb for a magnificent king or warrior as he was buried with his sword and shield. There were numerous artifacts found such as bracelets and other gold trinkets that the warrior would take with him to the afterlife. 


Located in the mountains of Spain, Atapuerca is an archeological site that is known to have several human remains that could date back to 1.2 million years ago. The excavation first started in 1976 as scientists found signs of human life in the caves nearby. 

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Photo Courtesy: [Philippe Desmazes/AFP/Getty Images]

Since then scientists have been excavating portions of the mountain that show signs of human remains. They have found around 1,600 human fossils that are in good condition and have tested these bones to find out that these bones come from a new species of humans that we haven't found before. 

Staffordshire Hoard

These impressive trinkets are part of the Staffordshire Hoard which is the largest stockpile of Anglo-Saxon treasures that has been found in the United Kingdom. There are around 4,600 pieces in total that consist of gold, silver, and garnets of different kinds. 

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Photo Courtesy: [David Jones/PA Images/Getty Images]

It was discovered in a field in 2009 by a team of researchers near the city of Staffordshire, hence the name. The hoard has many items that were made by some of the best artisans of the Anglo-Saxons, these items are on display at the Birmingham Museum. It is estimated that the hoard of treasure costs around $4 million. 

Royal Mint Site

In 1986, researchers discovered the site of a mass grave that was created during the Black Death named the Royal Mint Site. The cemetery is located not too far away from the Tower of London and was not just a cemetery as excavators found the remains of the Cistercian Abbey and Royal Navy Yard.

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Photo Courtesy: [Mola/Hulton Archive/Getty Images]

There were numerous amount of skeletons that were found that were either laid closely next to each other or all in one pile. The Black Death was a deadly disease that spread through medieval Europe and killed a majority of the population. The dead had to be buried as quickly as possible to stop the spread of disease. 

Temple of Hatshepsut

The Temple of Hatshepsut was first discovered in 1891 by Edouard Naville, he started excavating the site but soon found that the project would take a lot of work and require a good amount of money. In 1911, Herbert Winlock heard of the site and wanted to fully excavate the temple. It ended up taking Winlock around 25 years to fully excavate and restore the Temple of Hatshepsut. 

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Photo Courtesy: [AFP Contributor/AFP/Getty Images]

The Temple of Hatshepsut was built by the Pharaoh Hatshepsut in the 18th Dynasty of Egypt, it was used as a place of worship and was located just opposite the ancient city of Luxor which was another excavation site. 

WW2 East Germany

During World War II, there were many sites all around Europe that became battlefields and because of this, there are numerous amount of excavation sites that have been discovered over the years. East Germany is home to many of these sites that consist of the bodies of both German and Russian soldiers. 

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Photo Courtesy: [AFP Contributor/DPA/Getty Images]

Most of these sites are old trench lines of bunkers that were destroyed and covered up after the war. Some of these sites haven't even been touched since the Second World War and treasure hunters find many artifacts that the soldiers were carrying around at the time. 


The city of Aten was an ancient Egyptian city that was discovered in 2021 by the famous Egyptian archaeologist Zahi Hawass. Excavations on the site started in 2020 as researchers got some information that the ancient city might lie in the region. 

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Photo Courtesy: [Khaled Desouki/AFP/Getty Images]

Located near the Nile, this ancient city was one of the major cities located on the river that was one of the stopping points for many travelers. The city is very intact as it is around 3,400 years old, this city was also associated with the famous Pharaoh Tutankhamun. 


Located in the heart of Mexico City, Ehecatl is the site of an ancient temple that was built by the Aztec empire. The structure was recently discovered in 2014 and shortly after it was excavated by a team of Mexican archaeologists.

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Photo Courtesy: [Ronaldo Schemidt/AFP/Getty Images]

The scientists found an amazing circular structure that was thought to be used as a temple to worship the deity, Ehecatl Quetzalcoatl who was the goddess of the wind. There were remains of animals' bones and urns which suggested that rituals were being performed on or near the structure. The site has been covered up and made into a museum for the public to view. 

Mount Nemrut

Mount Nemrut is located in the southeastern part of Turkey and is the site of a royal tomb that was built for King Antiochus I Theos of Commagene in the Hellenistic period. The site was first discovered by Karl Sester who was a German engineer working for the Ottoman Empire. While he was creating roads for the army he stumbled upon this site and started excavating. 

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Photo Courtesy: [Yaskin Akgul/AFP/Getty Images]

Sester didn't complete excavating the site and gave up, it wasn't until 1947 that Theresa Goell decided to dedicate her life to the excavation of the site. Unfortunately, she wasn't able to reveal more of the tomb due to money concerns but in 1987 the site was made part of the World Heritage Site by UNESCO. 

Chan Chan

This unique-looking site is named Chan Chan and it is located in the La Libertad Region in Peru. The site was first discovered in 1986 by a team of archeologists and believe that the structures at Chan Chan were built by a pre-Columbian culture that dates back to 900 AD. 

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Photo Courtesy: [Kike Calvo/Universal Images Group/Getty Images]

Once the team found the location for Chan Chan, they started excavating the area and discovered these perfect column walls that were made up like a maze. After finding more evidence the researchers concluded that Chan Chan was built by the Chimor Empire, these people were later defeated by the Inca Empire. 

 France Gallo Roman Mosaics

French researchers were quite surprised when they discovered some Roman mosaics that date back to the Gallic Wars. These mosaics are some of the best that have been excavated and feature some amazing designs that the Romans were creating. Located in the small town of Uzes, these mosaics were discovered in 2017 by a team of archeologists that thought there were some Roman remains in the southern city and they were correct. 

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Photo Courtesy: [AFP Contributor/AFP/Getty Images]

The researchers didn't expect to find the remains of two massive mosaics that have survived the many years of being covered up. These are some of the best mosaics that you can find on display. 

Costa Rica Pre Columbian Ruins, Heredia

Located in the beautiful green countryside of Costa Rica, the city of San Isidro de Heredia is home to some pre-Columbian structures and artifacts that have been found by Costan Rican researchers in 1978, and research teams are still finding signs of an ancient culture. 

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Photo Courtesy: [Ezequiel Becerra/AFP/Getty Images]

The site is located not too far from the capital of the country San Jose and has become a place to visit as there are a good number of ruins that have been left behind. There is also a church located in the region that features a large stone that must have been placed there by pre-Columbian ancestors. 

The Grave of Richard III

In 2012, a team of British archeologists found the remains of Richard III who was the King of England from 1483 to 1485. Richard III was killed in battle but his grave was unknown to the modern world. Upon finding the skeleton, the researchers noticed that the placement of the body looked like the king was thrown into the grave and buried up.

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Photo Courtesy: [Leon Neal/AFP/Getty Images]

This was unusual for a king to be buried like this and could explain the attitude that the people under him had about him. After the discovery, a team built a structure around the site to preserve the body and create a museum about the late king. 

Olduvai Gorge

The Olduvai Gorge is one of the world's largest sites that has numerous amount of fossils from the past. The site was first discovered by German archeologist Wilhelm Kattwinkel in 1911 while he was doing work for German East Africa. This was the first major discovery made in the country of Tanzania and excavations could have started early but the start of World War I delayed everything. 

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Photo Courtesy: [DEA Biblioteca Ambrosiana/De Agostini/Getty Images]

It wasn't until 1931, that Donald McInnes a paleontologist started excavating the area and discovered numerous fossils including the tusk of a woolly mammoth. There has been a museum that has been created for the large number of fossils that have been found in the region. 


This ancient city was once named the Ziggurat of Ur and was discovered in 1850 by William Loftus, he started excavating the site and was able to identify the site as Ziggurat. It wasn't until after World War I that scientists were able to excavate the site further and when they did they found a maze of walls and buildings that belonged to the ancient city. 

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Photo Courtesy: [David Lees/The Chronicle Collection/Getty Images]

The large temple in the distance is named the Ur-Nammu Ziggurat as it was used as a palace by the former kings and queens of the past. The structure is still in good shape and shows the ability of craftmanship that this civilization had. 

 Giza Zahi Hawass

One of the most famous Egyptian archeologists is Zahi Hawass who is responsible for numerous amount of excavations that have been going on in Egypt for the past 30 years. In 2010, Hawass was tasked with finding the remains of mummies that were still located in the Giza region. 

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Photo Courtesy: [Marc Deville/Getty Images News/Getty Images]

Hawass has a good number of mummies that he has found in his career and he is one of the top researchers that works on them. The Egyptian government fully respects Hawass as he has found a majority of ancient Egyptian artifacts in recent years and respects the history of the ancient Egyptians. 

Gobekli Tepe

Gobekli Tepe is one of the oldest ruins that we have found in what is now modern-day Turkey. The site was first discovered in 1963 by German archeologist Klaus Schmidt who thought the area was an important place for the ancient people of Gobekli Tepe. 

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Photo Courtesy: [Anadolu Agency/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images]

The excavation of the site began in 1995 by Schmidt who worked on the project until his death in 2014, he was able to excavate a large portion of Gobekli Tepe and revealed the amazing stone structures that were left behind. These stones have been dated back to 9500 BCE which is one of the oldest sites that has been dated. 


The ancient city of Babylon was quoted in the Bible and was thought to be a city that was destroyed many years ago but in 1899, a German research team discovered the site of this ancient city that had so much to do with history. Robert Koldewey was in charge of the excavation and discovered massive structures that were covered up by sand for thousands of years.  

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Photo Courtesy: [Bettman/Bettman/Getty Images]

The city of Babylon was so large that it was known to have a population of around 200,000 people and was the site of the legendary Tower of Babylon. This was an amazing discovery for the early 20th century and one of many that was being exposed at the time. 

Pueblo Bonito

Located in the hot deserts of New Mexico, this is one of the few ancient sites that is located in America. Pueblo Bonito is part of the Chaco Culture National Historical Park and was probably built by the Chacoan civilization in 850 AD. 

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Photo Courtesy: [Sacramento Bee/Tribune News Service/Getty Images]

These amazing-looking stone structures have a large number of circle walls that make up the majority of the buildings. The site was first discovered in 1849 by the military that was conducting an expedition. The excavation of the site began in 1896 and uncovered a large number of artifacts that included pottery and other small trinkets. 

Ancient Jericho

The ancient city of Jericho is one of those ancient cities that was mentioned in the Bible, amazingly the city was discovered in 1868 by Charles Warren. He started excavating the site with several other archeologists and discovered the ancient walls of Jericho. This was an exciting time to be alive as an explorer as there were many sites around the world that were ready to be found. 

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Photo Courtesy: [Illustrated London News/Hulton Archive/Getty Images]

There were numerous amount of artifacts that were found including the head of a statue that dates back to 9,000 years ago. It is amazing to see the remains of a city that was mentioned in the Bible. 

The Library of Ashurbanipal

The Library of Ashurbanipal was built by the last Assyrian king to rule the Assyrian Empire in 705 BC and served as a place of knowledge. This library was said to be on the same level as the Library of Alexandria. The site was discovered in 1849 by Austen Henry Layard who started excavating the site and found 30,000 clay tablets that had information about the world in the 7th century BC. 

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Photo Courtesy: [Print Collector/Hulton Archive/Getty Images]

This is the largest collection of clay tablets that have been found about the ancient world. The Library of Alexandria probably had more of these kinds of tablets and it is unfortunate that all those documents were destroyed. 


The city of Herculaneum was discovered in 1709 by accident while a worker was drilling a hole for a well for the nearby church. Located in the small town of Resina, the excavation was started in 1738 by a couple of Austrian archeologists. They discovered the remains of a city that must have been covered up over the years. 

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Photo Courtesy: [Fox Photos/Hulton Archive/Getty Images]

In the early 20th century the site was being excavated again as more remains of the past city were being found. There have been numerous artifacts that were found that dated to Ancient Rome and the structures gave hints to that as well. 

Stobi Ruins

Located in the ancient city of Macedonia, the Stobi Ruins were discovered in the early 1920s by Yugoslavian archeologists, they did extensive research on the site but didn't start excavating because of the start of World War II. Once the war ended researchers wanted to start excavating the site which started in 1955. 

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Photo Courtesy: [Heritage Images/Hulton Archive/Getty Images]

Upon excavating the team of researchers found the remains of an ancient city that were part of the Hellenistic period. The city contained many structures including a large Roman theatre and temples with exquisite mosaics. The site is home to more than 30 structures that have been unearthed over the years. 

Site of Mycenae

Mycenae is an ancient city that was discovered in 1841 by Greek archeologist Kyriakos Pittakis, he started excavating and found the Lion Gate which was a structure that was the start of the ancient city. Later in 1874, Henrich Schliemann discovered more of the city upon excavating the site and believed that this was the burial site of the old King Agamemnon. 

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Photo Courtesy: [Print Collector/Hulton Archive/Getty Images]

There were further explorations conducted in 1884 that lasted until 1902, during these years scientists found the remains of some clay tablets that suggested the city was built around 1200 BC. 

Easter Island

Easter Island is home to the mysterious stone statues that are known as Moai and were created by the Rapa Nui people. Europeans first discovered the island off the coast of Chile in 1722 and were surprised at what they found on the island. Easter Island is one of the most remote places to live in the world and it was difficult for the Europeans to understand how these people built and moved these huge statues. 

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Photo Courtesy: [Royal Geographical Society/Royal Geographical Society/Getty Images]

In 1955, a man by the name of Van Tilburg got permission from the locals to excavate a couple of Moai, they discovered that these statues were much larger than they thought and were buried several feet underground. 

Woolly Berezovka 1902

In 1902, a woolly mammoth skull was found in Berezovka, Siberia by a couple of Russian farmers. The group discovered the woolly mammoths after a couple of wolves started eating the remains of the ancient creature that still had flesh that was fresh. The two front legs and the lower portion of the body were still intact and it became one of the rarest finds in the world. 

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Photo Courtesy: [Sovfoto/Universal Images Group/Getty Images]

Scientists were able to date the beast back to 40,000 years ago and were able to see what it had eaten before it died. The Russians wanted to take the beast back to St. Petersburg which took them around a year to complete due to the treacherous terrain. 

Palace of Knossos

The Palace of Knossos was discovered in 1878 by Minos Kalokairinos who was a Greek archeologist that first tried to excavate the site but didn't unearth anything that sparked his interest. It wasn't until 1900 that excavations were continued by Sir Arthur Evans which took his team around 35 years to fully unearth. 

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Photo Courtesy: [DEA G Dagli Orti/De Agostini/Getty Images]

What the archeologist found were impressive buildings that still had layers of paint on them. The  Palace of Knossos was built by the Minoan civilization during the Late Bronze Age and they were a sophisticated people that have been suggested as the people of Atlantis. 

Terracotta Warriors

The Terracotta Army is one of China's most interesting archeological findings that they have unearthed. The Terracotta Army was built for Chinese Emporer Qin Shi Huang as a protection for the afterlife. There are more than 8,000 warriors, chariots, and horses that have been made out of terracotta clay. 

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Photo Courtesy: [Ryan Pyle/Corbis Historical/Getty Images]

The site was first discovered in 1974 by a group of local farmers and started excavating a couple of years later. Researchers were amazed to find the vast number of Terracotta Warriors and didn't know anything of such existed. The Terracotta Warriors date back to 210 BCE.


Pompeii was part of a tragic event that happened to an ancient city during ancient Roman times. Located near the city of Naples, Pompeii was first discovered in 1592 by Domenico Fontana. Over the years there have been many researchers who started excavating the site as the location was finally determined as Pompeii. 

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Photo Courtesy: [Richard Baker/Corbis Historical/Getty Images]

Upon excavations, archeologists found the remains of thousands of people that were frozen in time due to the explosion of a massive volcano that destroyed the city in minutes. Amazingly even the shadows of the victims that suffered the explosion were captured in time forever and the position of many bodies shows that they didn't know the explosion was going to occur. 


In 1994, a massive site of dinosaur fossils was found in Sahatsakhan, Thailand. There were numerous amount of fossils that were found by Phra Kru Vijitsahassakun and the fossils were dated to be around 120 million years old. Since there were so many fossils that were unearthed, the Thiawnese government decided to make a museum that would house these bones. 

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Photo Courtesy: [Patraick Aventurier/Gamma Rapho/Getty Images]

The museum was named Sirindhorn Museum and features all the bones that Phra Kru Vijitsahassakun found during his excavations. Dinosaur bones are found all over the world and have provided a lot of evidence of the existence of dinosaurs. 

Assyrian Fortress

The Assyrian fortress Dur-Sharrukin is an ancient fortress that was unearthed in what is now modern-day Iraq. The site was first discovered in the mid-1800s and excavations started in 1852 but didn't last long due to the amount of work that was needed.  

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Photo Courtesy: [Bettman/Bettman/Getty Images]

It wasn't until 1928 that the site started to be excavated again by American archeologists Edward Chiera. It took him and his team around 7 years to fully excavate the site. Chiera even was responsible for taking a 20-ton bull statue home to Chicago, which was an adventure in itself. 

Temples of Luxor

The Luxor Temple is one of the largest ancient Egtypains temples that is still partially standing today. It was first discovered in medieval times and was used by the Muslims that inhabited the region. It wasn't until 1884 that the excavations were started by Gaston Maspero. 

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Photo Courtesy: [Bettman/Bettman/Getty Images]

About three-quarters of the temple was buried and it took around 70 years to fully be excavated by different archeological teams over the years. The Temples of Luxor are some of ancient Egypt's most treasured sites and are a great spot to visit if you are a fan of ancient Egyptian history. 


Akrotiri is an ancient city that was destroyed by a massive volcano on the island of Santorini. The Theran eruption destroyed the ancient city and the people that inhabited the island. The history of the island was recorded by the Greeks so the location was always known but it wasn't until 1867 that the site started being excavated. 

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Photo Courtesy: [De Agostini/De Agostini/Getty Images]

In 1967, Spyridon Marinatos was responsible for the structures that you have seen today. It took him around 2 years to fully excavate the site which is now turned into a museum for the public to view. There is now a large structure that protects the structures from the outside elements to help perverse this wonderful ancient city. 

Ljubljanica River Roman

In 2003, a team of archeologists found evidence of Roman bronze age weapons and artifacts in the Ljubljanica River in Slovenia. When most people think of excavations, they think that all of it is done on dry land but there are numerous teams that have investigated sites that are now underwater. 

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Photo Courtesy: [Arne Hodalic/Corbis Historical/Getty Images]

The first underwater archaeology excavation took place in 1884 by Austro-Hungarian divers that searched a naval base in Pula. Ever since then there have been numerous amount of underwater excavations that have taken place. Ljubljanica River was full of Roman artifacts that would date back to the early times of Roman reign. 

Ishibutai Tumulus

Ishibutai Kofun is the location of large stone structures that were made during the Asuka period in Japan. These stone structures are thought to be the tomb of Soga no Umako and have been a discussion by the scientific community because of the origin of its nature. 

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Photo Courtesy: [Marie Mathelin/Roger Viollet/Getty Images]

The site was first discovered in 1881 by Imperial forces of Japan, it wasn't until 1933 that the site started getting excavated. World War II put the project on pause and in 1973 the rest of the site was completely excavated. Researchers found the remains of people that lived during the Asuka period but are still not sure how these were built. 

Sunabara Ruins

In 2009, a team of Japanese archeologists discovered the remains of a structure that was built around 120,000 years ago. This is the oldest dated artifact that has been found in Japan and proves that people have been living on the islands for thousands of years. 

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Photo Courtesy: [Sankei/Sankei/Getty Images]

Japanese scientists believe that the Sunabara Ruins were created with the first bronze tools of the time and showed the precision of what these people were creating back then. There haven't been any other signs of humans that lived in Japan at that time but researchers are still looking in the area for more clues. 

Ruins of Aratane in Mauritania

These unique-looking ruins are the ancient neolithic ruins of Aratane which is located in Mauritania. These stone ruins were unearthed in the Sahara Desert in the mid 20th century and have been a mystery on who built these strange structures in the middle of the barren desert. 

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Photo Courtesy: [John Wessels/AFP/Getty Images]

Researchers believe that this site is a cemetery that was made thousands of years ago by ancient people that didn't leave much evidence to determine where they came from. The site remains a mystery and further research and excavations have to be taken to be able to provide more information on its origins. 

That concludes the amazing archeological finds that have taken place in history, there are a great number of discoveries that are still waiting to be found all around the world and it will be a great surprise to learn about these mysterious ancient cities and fossils that are still waiting to be discovered. 

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Fri 26 Apr 2024, 8:30 pm by Paul

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Fri 15 Mar 2024, 3:38 pm by Paul

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